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Archivio dell'autore CLUB ITALIA

AEP e SIA, soci Club Italia, abilitano pagamenti con carte contactless per accedere a metro e bus di Torino

Da oggi, grazie all’innovativa piattaforma digitale di AEP e SIA, è possibile pagare il biglietto direttamente ai terminali installati sui tornelli delle stazioni della metropolitana e a bordo degli autobus di GTT, anch’essa socia di Club Italia.


SIA presenta Webinar on Transport Ticketing evolution: the road to Mobility as a Service

10 July 2020 – 14:30 CET

Digitalisation, in particular of ticketing services, brings fantastic opportunities to provide customers with higher quality and a better travel experience as well as allowing Transport Operators to improve their process efficiency.

SIA is proud to have Azienda Trasporti Milanesi (ATM) as guest speaker to convey the joint experience of starting a contactless open-loop solution.

Please join us in this webinar where we will review together the current and future evolutions of transport ticketing:

  • The road to Mobility as a Service, status on the evolution of transit and ticketing
  • A case study: ATM Milano and Mobility as a Service by Roberto Andreoli
  • SIA’s view on the future evolution of Mobility as a Service


Jean-Philippe Joliveau – Senior Marketing Advisor – SIA

Roberto Andreoli – IT and Ticketing Systems Director, Azienda Trasporti Milanesi (ATM), Italy


SIA is the European leader in the design, creation and management of technology infrastructures and services for Financial Institutions, Central Banks, Corporates and the Public Sector, in the areas of payments, cards, network services and capital markets. SIA Group provides its services in 50 countries and also operates through its subsidiaries in Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Hungary and South Africa. The company also has branches in Belgium and the Netherlands, and representation offices in the UK and Poland.

Founded in 1931, ATM Azienda Trasporti Milanesi is a Public Limited Company owned by the Milan Municipality. We manage public transport in the Lombard capital and in 46 provincial towns, serving an area with a population of 2.51 million people.

Over the years, the services provided by our company have multiplied, both in the transport sector and in the commercial and leisure sectors. Today ATM is a company which designs and manages services and hi-tech systems for sustainable transport.

To optimise the management of these activities and offer a service able to meet the changing needs of the community the company was restructured as a Group on 1 January 2007 headed by the parent company ATM SpA.

To join our webinar conference please first register to the webinar platform here SIA Webinar Series 2020

After registering you should proceed to the Session section and select “Attend” in order to receive further information and a calendar in preparation for the webinar.

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Bus Company sempre più smart con Satispay

Ne parlerà Mauro Paoletti, Responsabile tecnologia di Bus Company, durante il prossimo webinar di Club Italia, che si terrà martedì 9 giugno, alle ore 14:30.

Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è bottonecalendario.jpg

Da luglio il tornello della metro di Torino si apre con la carta di credito

Club Italia è lieta e orgogliosa di questa notizia, che giunge dai soci GTT – Gruppo Torinese Trasporti e AEP Ticketing Solutions.